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Valley Crescent School Priorities:


  1. Emphasis on Faith (Imaan), Prayer (Salah), and Character (Akhlaaq).

  2. Create knowledgeable students to become balanced, responsible, productive and community building adults.

  3. Follow California State Standards for academic education.

Student and Parent Responsibilities:

Attendance: Valley Crescent School recognizes that teachers give direct instruction and are the instrument that provides the foundations for academic achievement.  Teachers are responsible to teach a set curriculum in the time provided and to all of the students assigned to each class.  As a result, VCS believes that each child who is not in attendance more than 90% of class time is at risk of missing important and necessary concepts introduced, discussed and disseminated during their absences which adversely affects their achievement of grade level goals.  Students who miss class time run the risk of having to not only catch up with concepts, strategies, and skill building missed, but stay current in other new concept, strategies and skills being taught in all subject areas. 

Students may not be absent from school without providing an acceptable written excuse from a parent, guardian or medical personnel.  If your child is absent from school, please do the following:

  • A parent or guardian must call the school no later than 9:00 a.m. and inform the school secretary that your student(s) will be absent for the day.

  • If your child is going to be absent for more than one (1) day, please inform the school secretary and request a makeup folder for all of the assignments that will be missed.

  • When your child returns to school, the parent or guardian must send a detailed note listing the name of the student, the dates missed and the reason for the absence, signed by the parent or guardian.

  • The student must present the note to the school secretary upon return from the absence in order to receive an excused absence.  If the student does not bring a note from home, signed by the parent, the absence is recorded as an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE.

 Discipline: Students have age and grade appropriate standards to follow while at school.  The Courtesy and Respect Theme of Valley Crescent School is applied in and out of classrooms.  It extends to the hallways, office, lunch room, and playground.  When a student doesn’t follow the appropriate standards, the following will occur:

  • The student will be asked if they know what infraction of the rule occurred

  • The student will be asked to verbally state what they said, did or what action occurred

  • The student will be asked what they could or should have done

    • If unknown the teacher/staff will offer options for the “incorrect” behavior

    • Students will be asked to repeat what they could have done differently     

  • First infraction will be verbal (warning)

  • Second infraction may result in a time-out or written documentation

  • Third infraction may have a written referral to the Administration

    • Administration will council student and contact the parent

    • Administration will apply appropriate discipline which may include:

      • On-campus suspension-isolated from class with adult supervision

      • Copying or writing a textbook, handbook, etc.

      • Conference with parent/guardian

If a student’s behavior does not improve after these efforts have been made, the administration will refer the matter to the school board.

Expulsion: Recommendations for expulsion will be forwarded to the school board.  Upon completion of the investigation, the school board will issue a decision.  If the decision is to expel the student, the student will be immediately un-enrolled from Valley Crescent School for a defined period of time, not to be less than the completion of the academic year in which the event took place.  The following is a list of automatic and immediate expulsion:

  • Possession of a firearm

  • Possession of drugs or alcohol

  • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol

  • Cause great bodily harm or injury to another

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